Friday, December 27, 2019

Michael Klares Blood and Oil Essay - 1504 Words

Michael Klares Blood and Oil Michael Klare has written an interesting and very relevant book, dealing as it does with the politics of oil, US foreign policy, the Middle East, and the causes of terrorism. He writes with a clear purpose and that is to argue that Americas securitization of oil and its willingness to use military force in order to secure its supplies of oil have been a major mistake. His main argument is that ever since the meeting on†¦show more content†¦foreign policy in the Middle East and the oceans of crude oil that lie beneath the regions soil. Klare traces oils impact on international affairs since World War II, revealing its influence on the Truman, Eisenhower, Nixon, and Carter doctrines. He shows how Americas own wells are drying up as our demand increases; by 2010, the United States will need to import sixty percent of its oil. Since most of this supply will have to come from violently anti-American zones, our dependency is bound to lead to recurrent military involvement. Ultimately, the cost of oil will be measured in blood: the blood of American soldiers who die in combat, the blood of the many other casualties of oil-related violence, including the victims of terrorism. Klare believes that if America does not reduce its dependency on imported oil it will have to increase its military presence in the Middle East, stationing permanent garrisons in countries like Iraq and facing the need to take further measures to support the Saudi Arabian regime and possible action in central Asian countries like Kazakhstan. He believes that the US m ilitary budget will therefore have to increase if the current policies remain in place, and claims that, the American military is being used more and more for the protection of overseas oil fields and theShow MoreRelatedRhetorical Analysis on Energy Disaster1068 Words   |  5 PagesDana Trimmer Rhetorical Analysis In Michael T. Klare’s â€Å"The Coming Era of Energy Disasters,† he seems to focus on the major risks off shore drilling the causes and the effect on the environment. The overall argument conveys that unless the oil industry and the consumer take an alternative route to dangerous oil drilling â€Å"more such calamities are destined to occur† (Klare 1). Klare is very vocal in criticizing of the BP executives concerning the Deepwater Horizon disaster. He proceedsRead MoreOil And Natural Gas : A Source Of Strategic Power956 Words   |  4 PagesOil and Democracy in Middle East Fossil energy (i.e. coal, oil and natural gas) is generally considered as a main force that drives innovation of new technology and highly developed economy around the world from industrial revolution. It is also the â€Å"lifeblood† of the global economy and takes up 80% of world’s net primary energy supply. However, due to the huge exposure of oil reserves in Persian Gulf after World War I, geopolitical struggles and potential conflicts surrounding fossil energyRead MoreThe, Blood And Oil : The Dangers And Consequences Of Americas Growing Dependency On Imported Oils744 Words   |  3 Pagesforeign oil. Over the years with the vast improvements and technological advances in the petroleum industry, the United States has been able to become increasingly self-sufficient, drastically decreasing its reliance on the import on foreign oil. In Michael Klare’s Book, Blood and Oil: The Dangers and Consequences of Americas Growing Dependency on Imported Oils (2004) he states that, General J.H. Binford Peay III told a House subcommittee in 1997. â€Å"With over 65 percent of the world’s oil reserves

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Muhammad Legacy Of A Prophet - 1191 Words

Steve Smith Professor Nguyen RS270A Summer 2015 Muhammad: Legacy of a Prophet Before watching this film, I did not know much about Muhammad and the Islam community. However after watching it, I have learned a lot more. The movie starts out describing the basic attributes that Muhammad had. For example, he was described as someone who always looked the person he was talking to in the eyes. As a man, he was the most generous-hearted and truthful in speech, the mildest tempered, and noblest in lineage. This portrayal of Muhammad really set the tone for me. To be that kind of a person during the time in which he was raised makes me appreciate him even more. In the film, it was stated that for 23 years, people were killing each other and society was coming to an end. However, Muhammad was able to bring peace and hope to Arabia. Having hope during a time like this was crucial. Without it, many more people would not have survived. Muhammad brought Islam to Arabia and now has 1.2 billion followers around the world. In fact, it is now the fastest growing religio n in America. Islam has had some rough patches along the way in America and continues to still have them. As mentioned in the movie, the tragic events of September 11, 2001 were probably created one of the biggest negative impacts for Islamic religion and its followers. With nearly 3,000 innocent people killed that day, it changed the whole world and put the Muslim community in the spotlight. The actions of theShow MoreRelatedIslam And The Muslim Religious Experience1365 Words   |  6 PagesAll through its history, Islam has been seen as a religious convention which began in (seventh) century Arabia with the prophet Muhammad who lived between 570-632. He got the heavenly divine revelation that is recorded in the Quran. This is still trusted today in the cutting edge Islamic convictions. 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Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Competitive Marketing Intelligence in Digital †MyAssignmenthelp

Question: Discus about the Competitive Marketing Intelligence in Digital. Answer: Introduction In the online world, the speed of the technology and the innovation has been considered to be a major challenge for the business. With social media growth, the challenges for the company seems to be rising. In this competitive world, the digital marketing has been keeping its pace at the highest, where companies with high turnover use advertisements etc to reach to the people management. We have chosen Nokia Corporation which was found in 1865 in Finland. The company has been providing the customers with the different mobile designs and it has been able to launch the different series of the smartphone with more RAM and higher camera resolution as well. The company holds only the market share size of 37% where it has been experiencing a major decline by 8%. This has been mainly due to the proper strategy set in by the company. The customers who wish to buy the small size, big size phone, from a low budget to the higher budget of people are the target audience of Nokia (Giachetti, 2018). They are trying to cover the entire audience with people between age 20-40 years which include the teenagers and the business class. Considering the marketing strategy of Nokia, it tends to grow to 74% in 2006 from 61.5% in 2005. The company has used a larger share of the portion of the market before iPhone came out in 2007. Their refusal to change and then learn the new things lost their complete existence in the market which lead them to their demise (Bughin, 2015). The market leader Samsung and iPhone made the right use of the time and gained the success. It has been seen that the brand failed to properly handle the complete change of the smartphones with the touchscreen and the application-based system which were effective. With passing time, they did not keep up with the expectations of the people and then the consumer shifted. The focus was on Symbian series where the company also was not willing to embrace the needs of the marketing changes (Stone, 2015). The digital marketing strategies were not effective to handle the brands and improve their positioning in the sector. The digital marketing strategies include: A major lack in the value proposition where the users have little reason to buy from the business. They were not able to add a special value by attracting people through the social media They did not build the buyer persona either online or offline. They did not focus on interviewing or the surveying over the demands of the people (Hsieh et al., 2018). The company failed to identify the marketing tools which one needs to be effective in the market. The inactiveness on the social media profiles, blog content or the imagery lead to the major failure. Competitor Brand which is success and compare them The competitive brand chosen is Apple, whose digital marketing strategy has been effective for the people as they target with the key performance indicators by setting the goal of raising the market share with better performance of the mobile management. iPhone blogging was done weekly about the travel to the colleges etc. The company has encouraged the people to connect with the online blog with the handiness of the mobile. They have made it easy for the people to share the posts so that a proper conversation can be done (Wang et al., 2016). Facebook and Twitter: Steve has been using the same to connect and focus on how people can meet. The tweets and the regular updates from the iPhone can help in improving the system quality and software. Instagram: A proper cut on the camera of choice where the goal is to take the picture of the people and post it. The picture quality is also demonstrated through the videos that are put online. This helps in attracting a large number of people. Here, Nokia has not been able to focus on the platforms properly, without engaging the audience. It is important for the company to promote the posts so that the people visit and learn about the interesting facts of the mobile (Baltes, 2015). Nokia could not improve their strategy and had to be taken over by Microsoft. Conclusion For improving the digital marketing standards, the target for Nokia should have been on the online community, with listening and understanding the needs, honesty with the people. A better and a transparent approach will help in challenging the opinion leaders to involve the consumers with proper web measurements. The lower brands are not able to do it and hence, they seem to get disconnected, at times, if their marketing strategy is also not attractive. References Baltes, L.P., 2015. Content marketing-the fundamental tool of digital marketing.Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Brasov. Economic Sciences. Series V,8(2), p.111. Bughin, J., 2015. Designing robust strategies for the digital age.Journal of Digital Social Media Marketing,2(4), pp.317-326. Giachetti, C., 2018. Vertu: An Internal Nokia Start-up Creating the Luxury Mobile Phone Industry. InSmartphone Start-ups(pp. 113-136). Palgrave Macmillan, Cham. Hsieh, Y.J. and Wu, Y.J., 2018. Entrepreneurship through the platform strategy in the digital era: Insights and research opportunities.Computers in Human Behavior. Stone, M., 2015. Competitive marketing intelligence in a digital, data-based world.Journal of Direct, Data and Digital Marketing Practice,17(1), pp.20-29. Wang, J., Hedman, J. and Tuunainen, V.K., 2016. Path creation, path dependence and breaking away from the path: re-examining the case of Nokia.Journal of theoretical and applied electronic commerce research,11(2), pp.16-27.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

The Effect of Enforcement on Merchant Compliance with the Minimum Legal Drinking Age Law by Richard Scribner and Button Down Terror

Introduction In the world that we are living in, there are a lot of issues that affect the manner in which individuals of different age groups, gender, culture and backgrounds interact with each other. It is due to this fact that laws have been designed to ensure that the rights of every individual within the society are respected. In this respect therefore, this essay shall analyze two research papers that have been conducted in the United States.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on ‘The Effect of Enforcement on Merchant Compliance with the Minimum Legal Drinking Age Law’ by Richard Scribner and ‘Button Down Terror-A Metamorphosis of Hate Movement’ by Barbra Perry specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The first paper, ‘The Effect of Enforcement on Merchant Compliance with the Minimum Legal Drinking Age Law,’ written by Richard Scribner and Deborah Cohen focuses on the effects of Min imum Legal Drinking Age Law in the United States. The second paper, ‘Button Down Terror-A Metamorphosis of Hate Movement,’ written by Barbra Perry focuses on the effects of hate movement in the United States and the impacts hate movement has on discrimination, gender equality and politics. This essay shall discuss, compare and contrast these two papers based on their research designs, methodologies, experimental designs and variables, sampling formats, concepts and theories presented and their ethical considerations. An Analysis of the Papers The theme of these two papers focuses on contemporary issues that affect the social welfare of the United States. The paper that was advanced by Scribner and Cohen (2009) focused on the impacts that general deterrence of intervention in a bid t increase the compliance of Minimum Drinking Age Law (MLDA) in USA. New Orleans, USA was the case study of the research. According to Scribner and Cohen (2009), the effects of MLDA should alw ays be felt within the society whether the laws are enforced or not. However, Scribner and Cohen (2009) asserted that for MLDA to be implemented effectively and efficiently, the law should focus on the retailers rather than the youths and adolescents. This is due to the fact that focusing on retailers will result to a decline in the availability of alcohol by the youths hence reduce the consumption of the substance by the individuals of this age group altogether.Advertising Looking for essay on social sciences? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More On the other hand, the paper that was advanced by Perry (n.d) focused at the manner in which the hate movement in USA has taken a new direction in the modern era. The changes in the composition of the society, politics and the advancements that have been experienced in the communication industry have brought about drastic changes in the hate movement within the USA. Despite the fact that individuals can have ideological indifference with regards to gender or politics, Perry (n.d) asserted that the main factor that steered the hate movement in USA was the element of white supremacy. In the process, several hate groups have been formed in the United States that aim at regaining the white supremacy that the country had before the civil movement of the 1960s and ensure that the voice of the minorities is not heard (Perry, n.d). Research Methodologies For a research study to be successful and effective, it has to adopt certain research methods that will ensure that the results and inferences that shall be made from the data collected correspond to the research questions and objective. In research, there are qualitative studies and quantitative studies. In qualitative studies, the researcher tries to identify a phenomenon that is not known to man. Quantitative studies on the other hand require the researcher to manipulate data in order to get the desired results. With reg ards to the papers at hand, the paper that was presented by Scribner and Cohen followed a quantitative research design while the paper that was advanced by Perry followed a qualitative design approach. However, the study that was conducted by Perry (n.d) used information that had been collected from previous studies in order to explain a new phenomenon (hate movement on a modern face). To collect the data that is essential for their studies, the authors of these two papers employed a number of methods. The main method that was used in the study conducted by Perry (n.d) was literature review. Perry (n.d) reviewed literature from a variety of sources in order to present the status of hate movement in USA.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on ‘The Effect of Enforcement on Merchant Compliance with the Minimum Legal Drinking Age Law’ by Richard Scribner and ‘Button Down Terror-A Metamorphosis of Hate Movement’ by Barbra Perry specifically for y ou for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The information that she managed to gather from her sources was essential in determining the status of hate movement within the United States in the past, present and the direction that it may take in future. Literature review is an essential method of collecting data especially with regards to contemporary issues such as the case of Perry (n.d). Since this study was based on literature review, it did not have either independent or dependent variables. As a result, there was not conceptualization or operationalization of data. However, to support her arguments, Perry (n.d) used a mixture of concepts and theories. Her paper was mainly based on the theory that the individuals who advocated for hate movement in USA wanted to ensure that white supremacy is achieved in USA. To support her arguments, she used the concept of group and movement mentality that support such initiatives. The main problem that Perry (n.d) faced in her study was to identify all groups and each and every individual in USA who was involved in hate speech. To solve this problem, Perry (n.d) focused on white supremacy in USA and analyzed the groups that advocated for the initiative. This included groups such as the Ku Klax who have been advocating white supremacy for decades and recent groups such as the skinheads. Scribner and Cohen (2009) used a quasi-experimental approach in their study. They used the random sampling approach to collect relevant data for their study. In addition, they had a baseline for their study from which they would detect the changes of their subjects with time. In this study, compliance rates of MLDAs formed the independent variable while the sale of alcohol was the dependent variable. To conceptualized their data, Scribner and Cohen (2009) used alcohol outlets. To operationalize this variable, Scribner and Cohen (2009) analyzed the sale of alcohol form these outlet with regards to the baseline for eight months. The study tried to identify the rate at which retail stores in New Orleans complied to MLDAs and the impact that this compliance had on the sale of alcohol to minors. To advance this, several concepts and theories were put in place. The main theory that the paper advanced was that deterrence strategies have a lower impact when social and psychological factors influence the behaviour of the target group. Therefore, the concept that Scribner and Cohen used on their paper was that the MLDAs should target alcohol retailers rather than under aged individuals.Advertising Looking for essay on social sciences? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More From their study, it was found that MLDAs were more effective when targeting retailers rather than under aged individuals since after the compliance laws were passed, there was an increase in compliance to the law from 16-34 stores out of the 143 that were used in the study. In addition, road accidents and injuries declined drastically within that period. However, the main problem that the study faced was lack of relevant literature to support their argument. Not so many studies had been conducted to compare the effects of MLDAs targeting under aged individuals and retails stores. However, to overcome this problem, Scribner and Cohen (2009) used historical information on cases of accidents and injuries in New Orleans where MLDAs had only targeted under aged individuals before 1995 and compared the same construct after MLDAs started to target alcohol outlets. It was identified that the rate of accidents and injuries had tremendously reduced after the introduction of the law. This pro ved that MLDAs were more effective while targeting alcohol outlets than teenagers. Ethical Considerations The Zimbardo experiment is viewed as one of the most unethical studies conducted in USA. The study tried to identify the psychological effects that individuals had while being either a guard or a prisoner. This study was unethical on the grounds that it violated human rights by taking away the individuality of the participants who acted as prisoners. The study also had racial discrimination since most of the individuals who were chosen to be guards were white. However, both of the studies that have been presented in this paper had ethical considerations. They were all conducted in a manner that eliminated the interference of the culture and morals of the United States community. In addition, both of these studies were conducted to ensure a better community that is free from hate movement and alcohol abuse from the under aged individuals. Conclusion Research studies are conducted in a systemic manner in order for them to achieve their goals and purposes. These studies adopted various research approaches and techniques. Some of these techniques were similar (such as ethical considerations) while others like the research design were different. This was due to the fact that each one of these studies had different objectives hence their different design. References Perry, B. (n.d). Button Down Terror: A Metamorphosis of Hate Movement. Historical and  Comparative Research, 2 (1), 247-261 Scribner, R. and Cohen, D. (2009). The Effect of Enforcement on Merchant Compliance with the Minimum Legal Drinking Age Law. Journal of Drug Issues, 31(4), 857-866 This essay on ‘The Effect of Enforcement on Merchant Compliance with the Minimum Legal Drinking Age Law’ by Richard Scribner and ‘Button Down Terror-A Metamorphosis of Hate Movement’ by Barbra Perry was written and submitted by user Vaughn H. to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.